The Champions League should consider a lot of things like qualifying for the group, which is almost sloppy, and the league will finally rank in glory.

Not only that, but is there any hope of getting a chance to win money in the Champions League next season?
The top three players in the league can participate without playing the play-offs, and Barcelona and Real Madrid can be said to have booked the top two qualifications before, and the remaining teams will compete for this one and a half places. Of course, this one is better than half places.
Of course, for more teams, even half a place is very extravagant for them.
Sun Yao spent the King’s Cup in the stands. Juan Carlos garrido didn’t arrange for Sun Yao and other main players to enter the big list.
I really want them to rest at home directly, but these people are also very worried about the King’s Cup. They all came to the stadium box to watch the young teammates.
The opponent is the opponent of the first division, Racing Santander, and the strength is not bad, so it is a good opportunity for the players of Team B to practice their feet.
Treasure B team players and some substitutes in the first team can easily find the rhythm of the league game in such a game
In the end, the two teams tied.
It is a hope that Villarreal will continue to play in the King’s Cup.
There are also bonuses in the King’s Cup, but compared with the Champions League, which is a large-scale commercial event, that is very small, so even if you throw money, the King’s Cup honor and the Champions League honor can’t be compared, not to mention the fact that this day is very close.
Juan Carlos garrido’s initiative to give up the King’s Cup is actually a very definite intention.
Rare leisure Sun Yao finally decided to sign an advertising contract, and finally Sun Yao chose nke! ~
There is a reason why nke gives more money to Adidas. The old German companies in the European football market are deeply rooted in the sponsorship of many teams, while nke American companies are actually newcomers to the football field, so they also give more money to invite star endorsements.
Sun Yao signed for two years without signing more, and the price was floating in the second year.
In other words, if Sun Yao performs well, he can get a higher endorsement.
The price is 960,000 euros, which is the most basic endorsement. It also needs to participate in some commercial activities to shoot advertisements, but these are counted separately.
This money is Sun Yao’s own club, but don’t try to share it.
Because Sun Yao has his own 100% portrait and Villarreal’s sponsor is a sports brand in China, this sports brand has also talked to Sun Yao many times about endorsement.
Yes, they are a drop in the bucket compared with nke who wants to be rich.
Although Sun Yao is not that kind of person with money, in his view, money is also a very important factor. It is probably difficult for Sun Yao to give up endorsements that are several times higher than China’s independent enterprises.
Unless this enterprise is Sun Yao himself.
Moreover, Sun Yao’s endorsement of top brands in Europe and America can better prove Sun Yao’s commercial value and world influence.
This is very important, because any domestic Olympic champion can speak for the national brand. At present, nke speaks for the national athletes, including Liu Xiang and Li Na.
Now I’m afraid I have to add a third one. Obviously, all three people choose nke for almost the same reason.
"I don’t know how many Liu Xiang and Li Na are. How many have I! But after so many years of endorsement, it should not be less than me! " Sun Yao is wondering.
Years ago, Sun Yao read a report that Liu Xiang’s endorsement should be in the tens of millions of RMB, but it slipped a lot after the year, and Sun Yao’s momentum is so strong now that the final endorsement was actually a few years away from Liu Xiang.
This also tells how high Sun Yao’s influence is.
However, one difference is that Liu Xiang’s income should be given to the IAAF to train him in return.
And Sun Yao? But he!
Sun Yao pondered, "The Football Association of China, do you dare to come and have a try! Growing up, I never knew where the National Football Association was trained! "
"If you want my money, I will turn against you! Who is afraid of who! "
Of course, although the National Football Association often has a lot of ridiculous things, they generally disdain to do such ridiculous things. They have money and need Liu Xiang’s endorsement to maintain the track and field association. The Football Association is much richer.
No matter how bad football is, its commercial value is here.
This is comparable to track and field events.
After signing the contract, Sun Yao will of course have a good time with Cai Lingxiao, and then send a part home to let his parents enjoy life.
Because it is really impossible to spend money selling here, Sun Yao is also doing more charity work.
Some activities in China have also been linked to Sun Yao, because the Christmas holiday is near, and then Sun Yao will have to do some activities if he wants to go home.
This is also a good thing for your image, and sponsors who return to China will also appear to invite you to participate in commercial activities, which is helpless