So it’s time for this farce …

lift (up)/raise one’s hand
Head-on rush to Yahiko still didn’t mean to stop. From the beginning, every collision was hurting his body. Even if it was really brave, it could completely consume the other party, but the parties seemed to care nothing about it-whether it was a sudden huge smoke or a roaring giant colossus, all this could prevent Yahiko from impacting his determination!
Violent and short turn, acceleration, staying where it is, and the ghostly figure has not disappeared. It flies in an instant and seems to rush to its own goal-the white palm seems to be a barrier to his progress, but the persistent soldier is doomed to smash a crack leading to the future at the cost!
Kill! Kill! Kill!
The cry from the heart seems to be a deafening world. Once the battlefield is broken, dust and smoke can be seen everywhere. For the first time, the serious face reveals the unique look of human beings-anger, madness and even a little despair …
So it is no longer a god …
Have human feelings and share human fears, Yahiko, are you really white? God is not just a stone abandoned in pure land-how can this indifferent thing guide human beings?

The thunder will greet him with a blow, but it is still a palm of your hand. It is not fast or slow, but it is right in front of him at the most appropriate time.
Once again, the distance between the two sides has been narrowed in one breath, and the continuous storm has long changed the surrounding landforms. Maybe this is the winner!
Getting closer and closer …
Whether it’s a fist full of scars or Yahiko’s almost distorted look, it’s more and more clear in Zhenyong’s eyes … Looking at the roaring enemy now, his eyes are full of images from ten years ago …
Pity or reluctance to give up long before the war. For Zhenyong, this young man who rushed at himself desperately touched his memory a little …
He suddenly got a little tired and became more determined here.
Raise your hand and spread your hands …
It was like floating catkins, but some wonderful changes took place at the moment of Yahiko’s attack …
Power fists actually started to slow down sharply, and finally they were about to touch Zhen Yong. The moment has already become as if it were about to solidify … More stagnant with his right fist, and the complex and distorted expression on Yahiko’s face has also been frozen. This moment seems that heaven and earth have become a huge video recorder, but fate fingers have pressed the pause at this time.
Except for one person, of course.

Zeng Jin was once self-sealed by Zhen Yong because of this huge self-attack. After that, he didn’t try to make it even in a difficult situation … until recently, when he reached the peak in energy control with the harmony of Yin and Yang, he once again focused on his special ability.
Maybe … compared with wood-dun-ninjutsu immortal mode, yin-dun or yang-dun energy, this is a higher and more deadly force. It’s brave to walk all the way here and rely on this last ability to escape many times.
For Watergate, if you can be faster than others, no one can beat him, because mastering him is more than real light!
And for Jin Yong, he also holds some similar power …
Forbearance and instant dharma circle
And strength, speed and momentum …
Stop at the end. No one will be a brave opponent!
It’s like a bystander watching the world. It’s probably not white to be close at hand but feel far away than to feel ordinary people …
Facing the sudden rush to Yahiko in the eyes of mortals, Zhen Yong suddenly appeared at his side and hit the other person’s heart with a blow …
cha ke la de si
I didn’t reserve the crazy penetrating power at all to ensure that the body surface injury would destroy all the organs of the other body with just a touch …
Yes, suddenly, Yahiko is just a shell …
So the other side
Eyes staring at almost at the same time, the golem and the wooden man have already won the battle. Nagato has reached the limit … but it’s a pity that even so, they are still as strong as children in the face of Zhen Yong …
Countless pieces of wood have pierced the magic statue and the long master has been wrapped into a huge cocoon by vines …
The outcome is already divided.
The leader of Xiao organization is powerful and arrogant, but the gods are both fallen in this place …
But Zhen Yong has no more time to sigh.
Inherent time control!
Accelerate yourself to the extreme in an instant. That crazy collision is to separate two people from each other on both sides in an instant … From the trajectory of action, it is speculated that the other party’s purpose is probably the bodies of Yahiko and Nagato. That’s right

Take the body?